Au revoir

I’ve just spent the last ten minutes thinking of a title for this post—one to match the main image above. Alas, my creative juices have forsaken me (although they did proffer “Night,” which feels sort of right and also sort of wrong) and I can’t think of anything apt or witty. So “Goodbye” will have to do.

Because I will not be blogging for a long, long time. In the days ahead, there is simply no place for kdramas; my heart and my priorities lie elsewhere.

About three weeks from now (January 12) the blog will celebrate its third birthday. Since it is almost certain I will not remember that day when it rolls around, I want to take the opportunity now to thank all of you for reading, for commenting, and for lurking. You are the reason the blog exists.

Ockoala, Serendipity, Michael, Softy, Laica, momosan, leonardswench and supah, thank you for spending so many hours writing for Thundie’s Prattle. It has been such an honor for me and I hope you will continue to write, if possible. Thank you, too, for your friendship and for all the little notes of encouragement (they make me cry, dang!).

For rallying around me, for rearranging the year-in-review schedule just for me, I owe you heaps, javabeans. I’m so sorry that in the end I could not deliver. You’re my star among kdrama bloggers; your faith in my writing was the impetus that birthed this blog. Thank you for everything.

To end, let me quote from the intro for my year-end review (I did get started on a draft but had to stop after several paragraphs):

I do not know if my contentment with this year’s offerings is a sign that I’m losing my edge as a half-baked critic (thus disappointing those who expect me to toe the this-year-sucks line) or that I’m simply regressing, becoming the hopeful viewer that I used to be. All I know is that I expected two things from my dramas and they delivered: to entertain me, and, occasionally when real life got a tad hard to bear, to distract me.

In short, I really enjoyed my kdramas this year. The ones I love the most are Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, Can You Hear My Heart, and City Hunter. Months (or years) from now, if I do return to kdramas, the first thing I’m going to watch will be the last two episodes of Flower Boy Ramyun Shop. This drama (the fourteen episodes that I marathoned in two days) made me laugh so hard last week when I was in a dark and uncertain place; everything about it is perfect. Girl K, Ojakkyo Brothers, and The Princess’s Man are all wonderful as well, although they do not own my heart like the first three. Rounding up the list of dramas that I was going to include in my year-end review are Best Love, Protect the Boss, Royal Family, New Gisaeng Story, Tree With Deep Roots, Romance Town, and You’ve Fallen For Me.

I need to stop here. Thank you again and Happy Hols. Hug your loved ones A LOT.

119 Responses »

  1. Dear Thundie, May your break be fruitful and meaningful. We will wait for here for your return. Thank you for your great insights on K-Dramas. I first read your post on one of end-of-year reviews on DramaBeans. Sincerely, Damselfly H

  2. Wow!! This post totally blind-sided me–it was your post on Okakgyo Brothers that finally pushed me into watching the series and loving it as much as you did, if not more. And, I couldn’t agree more with the beauty of Can You Hear My Heart. I’ll keep you in my prayers and hope that you cruise by during these tough times. Sarangeho!! ❤

  3. Dear Thundie,

    I’ve always loved this blog and your reviews/posts. Your reviews are insightful, funny, and totally amusing. Your writings really convey your love for the drama you are reviewing and I find them hard to resist afterwards! I wish you all the best in the future. You will always be missed *hugs*

  4. whaaaaaaat. 😦
    Thundie, you are my #1 fav k-drama blogger. Thank you for so many hours of joy you gave me through your writings. I’m really sorry you have to say goodbye to your beloved world of k-drama – I know it wasn’t a flippant decision. I wish you and your loved ones the best, and look forward to seeing you online again soon. *hearts*

  5. Dear thundie,
    though I’m like this:
    I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decission to make, and you’ve done it after pondering for a long time.
    I hope life is not too hard on you and you are able to overcome any difficulty that is on your way.
    I can’t say I’ve been and active comentator, but I’ve been an active reader of your blog, and my heart is heavy now that you are saying Adios.
    As a member of my drama family, I will keep you in my thoughts and I wish you the best, with the hope of seeing you returning to our dramaland as soon as possible.
    Love and all the best for you

  6. Dear thundie,

    I will just add my voice to everyone else here and say I am honoured to have found your site and acknowledge that you are a truly warm special person that can be felt through your writing and whilst this is clearly a shock please remember you have fellow addicts all over the world supporting you in their hearts and hopefully giving you strength until you get through whatever you need to manage now. We will be awaiting you here, because it is your home and we are just very fortunate guests.

    Love and a huge hug,


  7. Thank you so much Thundie. You’ll always have a place here among us.

  8. I have also enjoy coming to your blog and reading what you have to say about k-dramas. I hope that you comeback and that you are just taking a rest. Take care!

  9. Thundie.

    Thank you and I will miss your writing.
    Take Care and read you soon.
    Best of luck.

  10. Dearest Thundie,
    I’m at a loss for words. even though I know you are doing this for all the right reasons, it’s still painful to read this post imagining we won’t get to enjoy your wit and talent anymore. like so many others said, you drew such a huge crowd to your blog over the years. this was our home to come and enjoy everything that is good about Kdramas and life. We are going to be waiting till you come back to us one day. I have faith that you will. since writing means so much to you, I hope we won’t have to wait that long. for now, take your time and be comforted by the fact that so many people wish you well. No one is going anywhere. We will be here waiting.
    you are in my prayers – always hope for the best Thundie.

  11. i’ve been a lurker for a while. you will be missed! good luck.

  12. Hi Thundie,
    I’m not going to say “Goodbye”; instead, I want to thank you for all the joy and happiness you brought to us. I wish you the best of luck in everything and am looking forward to seeing the fun, witty, kind and warm Thundie soon!!! ❤

  13. Hello Thundie,,,I visit your blog for some witty prattles and wonderful reviews,,, And I was able to come accross some beautifulful dramas because of you…And you will be badly missed for sure…So to cope I just have to remind myself that you are just on a much-needed vacation and I shall be patlently awaiting for your return… Thank you for all the laughs and tears I got while reading your posts…You’re such an amazing blogger… Same goes to all your talented guest bloggers… Wherever you go, please have fun… and take care… God bless… 🙂 🙂

  14. o.m.g. –
    I am going to miss lurking and anticipating your blogs.

  15. dear thundie,
    also one of the lurkers (and only a recent one) but I’d like to add my thanks, at least, for this great site: for your writing – inspiring, honest, entertaining, and adding the pleasure of discourse and discussion to the pleasure of mere watching -, for all the time/love that went into this blog, for always sending me away with a bag full of new discoveries and must-watch-lists. thanks for sharing all this and very best wishes

  16. Strangely enough, today I started missing all the old pals – Pris, Ju, Eloise, you…(which is why I texted you just now asking if you have Pris’ email add) and then I trooped over to see what you have been up to and saw your last post.

    I wish for all the best for you thundie dear! and even though we may not see or talk as often as we should, pls remember you are always in my thoughts. Hang in there and be strong! God Bless!

  17. Dear Thundie, your post sounds so serious. I don’t really comment much but thanks for all the reviews you’ve written. More importantly, wherever you’re going, take good care of yourself and pray everything will go smoothly for you. Hwaiting!

  18. I’ve been so bad with keeping up with kdramas lately so haven’t been here on the prattle in a long while…but thank you for all your wonderful reviews and thoughts over the years. You’ve introduced to me so many wonderful dramas and movies…and I loved hanging out w/you all here and on Twitter 🙂 Please take care of yourself, sending lots of good vibes your way 🙂 And if you do return, we will be here waiting!

  19. As being in exile and leaving my old life behind myself in order to deal with a new life and enviroment, I somehow feel connected to you and your words. Still, k-dramas are my solace in this dark and lonely time, while struggeling to work through lovesickness, family affairs and not least struggeling through writing. Your blog feels like “home” – a word I never had nor could feel whereever I was.
    It’s not a lie if I say that I’ll miss you on this blog. Your writing was one of the reasons which helped me get back on the road.

    Wish you all the best, dear Thundie and a happy new year of the dragon.

  20. Oh wow! I didn’t expect this as am a relative newbie to the site but thanks for all your witty articles. I hope everything works out in your life and have a happy and great New Year. All the best

  21. Oh, so sad! Your writing has such personality, I was really pleased to find your blog! I hope this year treats you well and eventually you return, but if you move on to bigger and better things, good luck for the future!

    Thank you

  22. Thank you for all your words of encouragement and love. The past three weeks have been very rough; 2011 ended and 2012 began but my mind was so full of other things that it did not register the change at all.

    Initially all your comments made me cry (and I read them while sitting in a hospital waiting room), but I think I’m stronger now and able to write a very belated note of gratitude. Thank you for everything. When things are more settled and I’m able to go home, I will check the blog more regularly. Take care, all of you.


    • Dear Thundie, God bless you ( and your loved ones ) and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace.

      Been praying that all will turn out well. Good things will happen to nice people like you. You have been so giving in your blog. I am always grateful to have stumbled across your blog. And for the hours of joy you give us by your writings. You take care of yourself too.

  23. Dear Thundie,
    You are strong, resilient, able, capable with the great capacity to heal, endure and overcome all obstacles. Above all your warm heart can make it. Trust in yourself, be who you are with the ones you love so dearly, and take one day at a time. If you need to laugh, laugh. If you need to cry out.. then find time and let it out…. Prayers can be hard to do in the wake of turmoil…I can understand… pray when you feel like it or if you want to, no right no wrong. When all seems so helpless, belief in the higher powers can heal all souls, chencha…chencha…allow it to…especially for the ones who are so tired…. “sometimes things are meant to be” sounds so cliche when our will does not make things better, on top of the hundreds of prayers made, but please do not give up and try to find your peace or.. let peace find you. When you find your peace, acceptance comes easier, as does healing yourself and that of the ones you love. I know you will succeed in making the persons you love, yourself and those around you as happy and as comfortable as possible. Take good care, just me E

  24. Dear Thundie,

    I love your writing and your passion for kdramas, and I hope that you can be strong and get through whatever obstacles may come your way. May God bless you and your family always! Thank you for giving me so many laughs from your blog!

  25. Sorry for the late comment here… first prayers for you and your family, wishing that all will be fine for you. like you, aside from prayers, kdrama had been there to lift me up when i am having very difficult times. hope you can read this…. lots of prayers and love sent you way.

  26. Hi Thundie,

    I just saw this post. I hope you are well, and recovering speedily. Thank you for all the posts you have written. I have enjoyed reading every time I have visited your blog.

    I can understand wanting to take time away-when things in life get difficult the best thing to do is what you are doing-re-prioritizing the things that are truly most important and hold meaning in the long run…and while Kdramas are truly entertaining, they can definitely take up a lot of precious time. I hope that this time is filled with peace, health, happiness, and love. I will be praying for you in this season that you are in for strength, comfort, and whatever else you may be in need of.

    Sending a big hug your way.

    Much love,


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