Not Farewell Forever…

(by Serendipity)

Dear Loyal Prattle Readers,

Thundie is very touched by your responses to her farewell. She would like to convey her love and appreciation to all of you.

And to say that this blog will not be completely shut down. Thundie will be checking in on the community here and reading comments occasionally, even if she can’t be active on this blog right now. Her guest bloggers such as myself may also continue to post. And who knows what the future holds: Thundie may yet return. So don’t delete us from your bookmarks just yet!

Hope and peace to you all at Christmas.

26 Responses »

  1. Dear Serendipity (and Thundie),

    Glad to hear such news about Thundie, thank you Serendipity… An assuring news just before Xmas, yay! You may rest assured, I don’t plan to delete this blog from my bookmarks.. And I trust the rest of readers are the same.

    Have a very merry Xmas to you all!

  2. Dear Thundie, Serendipity and Prattle’s guest bloggers,

    I have not for a minute thinking of deleting you off my bookmark. You are on top three most visited of mine, and you will be there. This goodbye for me like a temporary break for Thundie, who takes a vacation out of the bloggy world. I will come here from time to time, as usual, if not to find a new post, then to go through old ones that hold dear. I left a piece of me here with City Hunter discussion, with Joo won spazzing,… so I will never leave the Prattle…

    Till next time when you are back again!

  3. so happy to read this… thanks serendipity 🙂
    i’ll keep coming

  4. Yay! this is happy news… even if I don’t comment much I will be lurking around… and wait for Thundie…* prays Thundie to come back to us, if not soon at least she will come back in the future ^_^

  5. Great news … I was wondering about this.

  6. It has not crossed my mind to remove this from my favourites. I had planned on dropping in now and then to check for new posts, if any. Glad to read that your very capable guest bloggers will help to hold the fort.

  7. Wonderful news Serendipity!! It’s great to see other Prattle addicts who have put TP in their bookmarks/favorites. No way I’m deleting you guys! I can’t wait to read from the other contributing writers who have made the Prattle as marvelous as it is today. Let’s keep this site alive for Thundie!

    Merry Christmas and lots of love to everyone!

  8. Rest assured, thundie, Serendipity,and the rest of the guest bloggers that I plan to continue dropping by this corner of cyberspace.

    A blessings-filled holidays and 2012 to you all!

  9. Oh, such happy news! Thanks to all the wonderful bloggers here who make Thundie’s Prattle a wonderful place for Kdrama lovers like me.

  10. I still continue to check thundie’s twitter everyday. it becomes a routine already. so you cannot imagine my delight to see a new tweet and this post.

    Thanks Serendipity! and Thundie, I’m soooo happy to hear you will return. take your time, but please not be so long~

    Happy Holiday to you both and all the guest bloggers!

  11. Dear Serendipity,

    Thank you so much for taking time to update for thundie and it’s great to know she is seeing the love of the people she has affected so deeply. Having absorbed the news a little I think I’ll liken this to The Return of Iljimae, where he (she) is away, perhaps for a while, doing what needs to be done and we’ll just continue here, waiting in hope.

    Until then, all love to you Serendipity, momosan et al to keep the candles burning.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New 2012 everyone.


  12. I’ll be cheering you on Serendipity if you decided to step up and take reigns on TP while Thundie is away. I believe in your writing and I’m sure Thundie does as well.

  13. I will also keep checking the blog since it is one of my favorite places to come. Thanks for the good news and Happy Christmas!

  14. Don’t worry, Thundie’s Prattle is staying in my bookmark. I will look forward to future posts. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year peoples!

  15. I guess Thundie will be back in time for our certain someone is back from army duty. All along I thought I could have him to myself 😦

  16. I love to read this news… It’s like a Christmas present… Thank you all (thundie, serendipity, and guest bloggers…). Happy new year.

  17. I’ve been a silent follower of this blog for a short while now, and decided that now is an appropriate time to make a post. It’s been a joy reading your blog as I have spent hours clicking through your polls and laughing at your sense of humor. Hope everything works out for you and that you do not leave the drama world forever. You will be missed.

  18. Of course I won’t remove this blog from my bookmarks! Like in my heart, it has captured a place 🙂 I’m very happy to hear that the great guestbloggers will keep blogging from time to time and I will be looking forward to the dayThundie will return.

  19. I will continue to share LMH with you,my chingu…
    my well wishes to you,always….

  20. I have been hovering here for so long and I was not as silent in the beginning. Sorry I have not been more outspoken. By the time I read all the good stuff I don’t have the time, and sometimes the energy, to write responses. Mainly because it is usually so late and even now the time is 1a.m and I am fading somewhat. Bed is calling. I will try to be a livelier presence from now on.
    Blessings. Peggy

  21. nice to know
    thanks 🙂

  22. Thundie please come back. We know u will. Taking a break would be nice. K drama lovers like us are happy to know u. Great fan of YuRi Sung but haven’t read alot about her. YuRi have all the equal parts and SHE RULE. Love ur writing.

  23. Hi thundie
    I send renewed thoughts to you and yours. I trust this year of the Dragon will be good for you all. I am always thinking of you my dear and send you all the blessings.
    I still have my motto..NEVER GIVE UP! Love Peggy

  24. Oh, no… never had it crossed my mind to cross you out of my bookmarks… TP is actually one of those sites that are on my Chrome, where is only shows the mostly visited sites. 🙂

    Thanks for the good news Serendipity! Good luck Thundie!

  25. Thursday,
    I haveThundie and her family always in my prayers and I think of her a lot. Hope all is going well. I would not like to lose this blog.

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