Movie giveaway: Winners!

In last week’s Two-word Sunday, you were invited to participate in our first movie giveaway.

Fellow blogger and friend, Sarah (from dramabeans), has helped me pick the two winning captions, one for each image.

Image 1: winning caption by goan

Image 2: winning caption by septembermoon16

CONGRATULATIONS, goan and septembermoon16!!

You each win an English-subtitled DVD of So Ji-sub‘s first movie, Can’t Live Without Robbery a.k.a. Steal It If You Can. (Psst, check your email.)

Thank you to everyone who participated. I really enjoyed reading your captions. And thank you, Sarah, for judging our first caption contest. *muah!*

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Categorised in: Blog giveaways, K-actors, Two-word Sunday

1 Response »

  1. Update:

    The DVD is on its way to you, septembermoon16. Happy watching!

    Calling goan! I’ve written to you using the email address you gave when you posted your comment. Or PM me with your address at Jisubaddicts so that I can send the movie to you. Thanks!!

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